Bachelor thesis project

  • Objective: Using OBD system and embedded-IMU of smartphone sensors to classify driving behaviour
  • Place: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Date: February 2022 - July 2022
  • Learning point:
    • » Since the early 1980s, Embedding ECU units in vehicles were enforced by law as motor standards.
    • » Relevant scientists and experts have designed to detect patterns in time series and perform time series classification in varied methods, such as Dynamic Time Warping based KNN models and LSTM many-to-one.
    • » Indecisive topics, as well as procrastinative plans in project, leads to its inefficient experiment conduct.
    • » Recognition of digging a rabbit hole is important in the flow of project progress.
    • » Make sure I, myself, and the project relevants should be on the same page when talking about the project.